Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Challenge Accepted

My blog has lived up to its name of Unfocused Creativity.  Every post is completely different and I post sporadically, at best.  I guess, in that respect, I am consistent.  I have decided to challenge myself a little and add a little regularity to my little bloggy spot in the giant blogosphere (I don’t know if that’s a real word so I’m committing to that spelling).  For me to consider it worthwhile, the challenge must provide four things:  1) It must require a more regular posting routine, 2) It must have some sort of theme, 3) It should be somewhat entertaining, and 4) It has to stay true to “me” and my voice.

I have figured out the challenge.  It’s simple.  It’s fun.  It’s me.  It will hopefully be entertaining.  It will start this week. 

Silliness allows us to stay more present in each moment.  I struggle with staying present sometimes, but I don't struggle with silliness.  I don't know how documenting a silly thing, every day for 30 days, will affect that.  I vow not to repeat the same silly act within the 30 days on this blog, so that forces creativity and living in the moment.  Silliness is subjective so what is silly to me may be utterly stupid to you.  Some things may be more ridiculous than others.  Many things may be subtly silly because that's more my style.  You may just read my blog and shake your head in my general direction.  That's ok with me.  Either way, feel free to share - maybe we can start a Silly Revolution!