Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Silly Thing #13

Sometimes things look like other things and I like that.  This tree stump for instance.  I took the photo and didn't give it much thought.  Every few days I go through my older photos to see if anything stands out to me as something that I could edit and find the beauty in that maybe I didn't see before.  A couple of weeks ago, I found something that stood out to me.

The original photo...

This particular photo stood out to me because I could see a face.  A little playing around in MS Paint and I had two different looks.

Look #1...

Look #2...

It makes me want to go back through other photos and see what I can pick out.  Do you have any??

Monday, May 30, 2011

Silly Thing #12

12 Silly Things About Me:

1)   I cannot resist a good “that’s what she said” joke.  I want to be better than that, but I’m not.

2)   I make up songs all of the time.  Not good songs.  I would consider them similar to Facebook statuses.  They are about mundane things that no one else cares about but, by putting it out there in a different medium, it makes them appear more interesting.

3)   I speak for my dogs and they each have a specific voice.  I speak in that voice to express what I think their thoughts are at that moment.  Jay does it too – lest you think I’m the only weird one in the house.  Usually I’m trying to make Jay laugh.

4)   The other night when I was going to bed and was so tired, I got really excited that I didn’t have to set my alarm to get up the next morning.  Like overly excited to the point that I was giggling crazily. 

5)   I struggle to maintain my composure while trying to scold my sons for inappropriate potty humor. 

6)   Once a movie or song has been parodied well (‘well’ being the key word), I can no longer take the original version seriously.  ‘Walk the Line’ is now just as funny to me as ‘Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story’, ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ is always ‘Amish Paradise’.  Most American Presidents and their mannerisms so that the State of the Union addresses become comical.  The list could go on and on.

7)   This song never stops being funny to me…ever.  Business Time
8)    I love when Facebook statuses (and follow up posts) go awry.

9)    I love puns.

10)  My dog got a plastic flowerpot stuck on his head and ran around the yard for a few minutes  
       before he could remove it.  Funniest thing ever and I had to hear the story from my 7 year old  
       because I wasn’t downstairs yet.  I don’t know if I could have physically handled the funny of 
       actually seeing it happen.

11)  Putting a straw under your armpit and then blowing into the other end of the straw makes for 
       some funny and immature entertainment.

12)  No matter how slow anyone drives up our street, there is a crazy neighbor who will run down his 
      driveway shaking his fist at you.  We’ve tried driving at or well below the speed limit and, it
      doesn’t matter, if he’s out, he will shake his fist at you.  Jay saw this neighbor drive for the first
      time out of our neighbor and the dude was a CRAZY driver.  Swerving, running red lights…what 
      a weirdo!  We now just wave to him.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Silly Thing #11

Robot cartoons by me...because robots are great.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Silly Thing #10

Before the day takes off as it will be a busy one...a poem by my 7 year old...

"Gator Dater"

Kate had a date
With an alligator
When she was late
The gator ate 'er

Friday, May 27, 2011

Silly Thing #9

Jay thinks this is way funnier than I do but I'll post anyway.  We took our older two boys to get haircuts today and were sitting in the lobby waiting.  Our 7 year old was eating a purple sucker and said "Grape suckers taste the best AND they smell the best!  See?"  My response was "I think they smell like dynamite...I mean Dimetapp." (if you remember, Dimetapp -which has been taken off the market - tasted like grape flavored candy).  Jay cracked up laughing at me and that made me throw my head back and laugh too.  I hit my head against the wall behind me instead.  Jay and our son thought this was hilarious.

The rest of my evening was spent having Jay and our son occasionally saying "That smells like dynamite...BONK!"  My brain's not working so good.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Silly Thing #8

It's been an exhausting week and even more exhausting day.  I was looking back over my photos to get an idea for the silly thing today.  I found a self-portrait I had forgotten I had done.  Apparently it was another exhausting week and I decided that my dog, Clyde, had the right idea. 

He's a wise dog.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Silly Thing #7

I had to skip yesterday's Silly Thing due to circumstances outside of my control (exhaustion and a crazy long day)!  I wasn't going to skip today though.

Today I want to go with a list.  It is a list of songs that I can never resist singing along to (loudly) whenever I hear them and generally will get stuck in my head.  They are quite varied.  Enjoy!

1.  Bad, Bad Leroy Brown

2.  Build Me Up, Buttercup

3.  Bullet with Butterfly Wings

4.  Cold Hard Bitch

5.  Mahna Mahna

6.  January Wedding

7.  Hail Holy Queen - this is for Tina!

8.  Sundown

9.  Smile

10.  Hotel Yorba

What songs get stuck in your head??? 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Silly Thing #6

I have spent a lot of time over the years watching The Lonely Island videos even before the SNL Digital Short got really popular.  In case you haven't spent time on their website, here are a few of my favorites "oldies"... Enjoy the silliness!


Nintendo Cartoon Hour

This one might be my favorite:
Just 2 Guyz

And finally, I don't know how this show never took off ;)

And just re-watching those made me giggle a lot. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Silly Thing #5

Sunday dinner at my in-laws' house is always a good time.  We took a short walk hoping to let the boys hit some golf balls on the golf course but alas, there were people playing.  So we walked home and I was taking pictures of the kids and some plants.  My husband spots something and presents me with an opportunity to use my zoom lens.  It was the Speed Limit Sign (25 was the max in case you were wondering) with an artistic addition.  I, of course, took the opportunity and now am sharing it with you.

I give you...BOOBS! 

I find the ridiculously juvenile to be completely silly.  I've decided to picture the suspects as women (maybe in their 40s), dressed in lovely spring cardigans and the cutest of bob haircuts, taking a walk one evening.  Maybe they had a glass or two of wine.  They were walking and talking about things cardigan-clad women talk about and one of them had an idea and a Sharpie.  The taller one had to do the writing while the other was the lookout.  I think there was some giggling and the shorter woman said something like "psst...write it so it looks like a 13-year old boy wrote it!"  After the deed was done they took off running and giggling.  The shorter one probably peed a little from the running and laughing.  Now every night when they take their walks, they avoid looking at the sign and just pretend the other said something hilarious at that very spot in their walk. 

Or maybe my father-in-law did it.  The mystery remains unsolved.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Silly Thing #3

Silly Rules…because without order there’d be mayhem…ahem…

Silly Rule #1…If everyone laughs, then it wasn’t silly enough.  To be truly silly, you have to be able to make some people giggle and some people uncomfortable or unsure of whether they should be laughing at or with you.

Silly Rule #2…Go to the restroom BEFORE doing something silly to avoid tinklage. 

Silly Rule #3…Children are usually good silly judges.  The more ridiculous, the better. 

Silly Rule #4…Be yourself.  Silly can’t be forced.  Today I don’t feel well so my silly levels are low, that’s why I created silly rules today.  My favorite silly medium is ‘odd’.  Yours may be ‘cutesy’.  Just go with it.

Silly Rule #5…Always have a friend who “gets it” and several acquaintances that don’t.  It’s much more fun to laugh later with the friend over how uncomfortable it was when the others just stared at you or fake laughed to be polite.  This goes along with rule #1 but it still deserved it’s own number.

Silly Rule #6…Silly isn’t mean spirited.  Be nice.

Silly Rule #7…Make up rules.  My sister and I once sat at the piano while I played ‘Oh Holy Night’.  We sang it over and over.  Each time we sang, we would agree to take out a letter or invent a speech impediment and sing the whole song like that.  We built on each ridiculous imposition and just added more each time.  By the final round, the song was barely recognizable and we thought we were hilarious!  I realize most of you are probably just thinking “Nerds!”  Well, yeah.

Silly Rule #8…Picture imaginary scenes of things people say in your head a lot.  While they say it.  It's entertaining.  I can’t listen to anyone talk without picturing some kind of preposterous scene in my head.  Usually it is so far removed from what the person was actually talking about that I don’t repeat it.  I like to practice some restraint at times.

Silly Rule #8…9 is for squares.

Silly Rule #10…Don’t follow any of this.  Silly rules are stupid.  Pick your own.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silly Thing #2

Today was a CRAZY day at work!  I realized this evening that I had not officially decided on my silly thing for the day so I had to think back on my day and see what silly things I might have done.  Then I remember my lunch break today.  I work from home so I eat lunch at home every day with my husband and my 5 year old son.  Today he had a friend over and they were being silly and said they wanted bugs in their chocolate milk.  I agreed.  They laughed and said "No way!"  I was then able to convince them that I would put bugs in either their chocolate milk or their peanut butter sandwiches but not both - that would be much too greedy.  They tried to talk me into saving the bugs for my older boys who were still at school but I wouldn't hear of it.  When I had them sufficiently worried about bugs in their milk, I then exclaimed "Oh no!  I'm completely out of bugs!  I'm so sorry boys, but I won't be able to put bugs in your milk today."  They nervously laughed but I saw the relief in their faces. 

That was too easy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Silly Thing #1

The rules of Steam Roller are quite simple really. 
Needs 2 or more players.

  1. Lie down on floor as straight as possible.  Other participants should lie down like this as well.
  2. Roll around on the floor with your arms at your side and your legs straight.
  3. Roll slowly over other participants and chant equally slowly “Steam Roller, steeeeaamm roooollleeerr…”
  4. Occasionally run out of gas in mid-roll so that the other participant has to bear your weight.  He or she may try to give you pretend gas so you will start back up.
  5. Sometimes get a burst of crazy energy and roll really fast back and forth over the other participant.  Chant quickly “Steam Roller, STEAM ROLLERSTEAMROLLERSTEAMROLLER…”
  6. Continue until you are exhausted or until your clothes are sufficiently covered in carpet fuzz and pet hair.

I hadn’t played Steam Roller in a long time but re-introduced it to my kids last night.  Good times.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Challenge Accepted

My blog has lived up to its name of Unfocused Creativity.  Every post is completely different and I post sporadically, at best.  I guess, in that respect, I am consistent.  I have decided to challenge myself a little and add a little regularity to my little bloggy spot in the giant blogosphere (I don’t know if that’s a real word so I’m committing to that spelling).  For me to consider it worthwhile, the challenge must provide four things:  1) It must require a more regular posting routine, 2) It must have some sort of theme, 3) It should be somewhat entertaining, and 4) It has to stay true to “me” and my voice.

I have figured out the challenge.  It’s simple.  It’s fun.  It’s me.  It will hopefully be entertaining.  It will start this week. 

Silliness allows us to stay more present in each moment.  I struggle with staying present sometimes, but I don't struggle with silliness.  I don't know how documenting a silly thing, every day for 30 days, will affect that.  I vow not to repeat the same silly act within the 30 days on this blog, so that forces creativity and living in the moment.  Silliness is subjective so what is silly to me may be utterly stupid to you.  Some things may be more ridiculous than others.  Many things may be subtly silly because that's more my style.  You may just read my blog and shake your head in my general direction.  That's ok with me.  Either way, feel free to share - maybe we can start a Silly Revolution!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Awareness Day!

I tried to post this yesterday but Blogger has been down for almost 2 days.  So...

May 12 is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.  I was diagnosed a little over two years ago.  At that time I didn’t know much about it but over the past two years, I’ve met more and more people who have it, know someone who has it, or have heard about it.  I still struggle with acceptance.  Some days I am okay with it and other days I convince myself that I don’t have it and must have something else.  Every day I think I learn a little more about living with a chronic illness and still trying to lead a happy and fulfilled life. 

I have neglected my blog for a couple of months but felt it necessary to write a post for today.  I know I need to do my part to increase awareness about Fibro if I expect things to change.  “Invisible” illnesses are tough.  They are tough for the people who have them and feel miserable but have nothing tangible to show for their suffering.  They are tough for the doctors trying to diagnose and help patients to manage their symptoms.  They are tough for the researchers with little funding to search for a cure.  They are tough for the families and friends who love and support their loved one despite all odds.  They are tough for the pocket book with constant medical bills and treatments.  

Having said all that, I want to be true to myself and stick with my Three Positives for a Negative idea.  While Fibro can definitely be considered a negative, there are positive things that have come from having this illness.

1.  I’ve learned my limitations and learned how to ask for help.  Sure, I still push myself too far and pay the price sometimes so there’s a constant learning curve.  However, I have been a perfectionist and an overachiever my entire life.  It took getting sick to realize that I can’t do it all.  I can’t be perfect.  I can only do my best, treat others well, and love living my life.  Asking for help doesn’t make me weak, it’s making me stronger.

2.  I’ve recognized my dreams.  I have always been artistic but never really thought I could make art my life’s goals.  Getting sick made me realize that life is short and it’s not worth spending what little energy I have doing something I don’t love.  It’s been a lot of trial and error over the years and I’ve learned so many things but I know now that I’m meant to be a photographer and a writer.  I will live my dreams and my boys will see the possibility of achieving their dreams.

3.  My marriage is stronger than ever.  My husband is my rock and he never lets me down.  I’ve recognized that this illness affects his life too and I always keep that in mind.  We have each struggled emotionally with how this illness has shaped our life together and we’ve supported each other through it all.  God knew what He was doing bringing us together. 

Could I have learned these things without being sick?  Probably, but it may have taken a lot longer.  When you feel like your body is betraying you and you suddenly lose the life you once had, you have some choices to make.  Some people choose to throw in the towel and let the illness win.  Some people just exist peacefully and accept that life will just be ho-hum.  Some people fight against their body and stubbornly refuse to let the illness win, only to make themselves sicker.  I choose to listen to my body (push through when I can, rest when it’s necessary) and carve out a life that works for my family and me. 
Happiness can still exist with a chronic illness.  In fact, the good days make me even happier because I know what bad can really be.  On this day of awareness, learn more about fibromyalgia and support those who have it.  Even if you don’t understand it, please don’t judge, don’t tell them what you think you would do or put them down - just love, listen, and learn.  We can’t ask for anything more than that. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Three Positives for a Negative

Last year I attended an intense 4-day leadership workshop as part of my job. One of the activities we had to do was to get up in front of the group and the two trainers and do or say something that would inspire the trainers to stand up. If they both stood up, you could cross to the other side of the room and sit down. If they did not stand up, you had to go back to the rest of the group who had not crossed yet and get back in line to try again. People did all sorts of things to get across – singing, dancing, telling funny stories, telling personal stories and crying, etc. The trainers did not make it easy to get across. As I stood there trying to think of what to do, I noticed that my tremors were particularly bad that day and being a little anxious made them worse. I don’t like to share a lot of personal information in a group like that and telling a sob story is just not my thing. Finally it came to me to just be myself. I have challenges but I am a very positive person so I decided to use that. That’s where my idea of Three Positives for a Negative came to be.

I walked up in front of the group and said, “I am a positive person. I have challenges but, for every negative, I can come up with three positives to offset it.” Then I held up my hand, which was shaking like crazy at this point, and said, “I have a disorder that causes hand tremors. It’s more of a nuisance than anything else and it will probably get worse as I get older. That’s the negative.” Typically I don’t share much personal information with coworkers and I’m pretty good at hiding my tremors so I saw shock on their faces as they watched my hand shake. I looked at the group and then said, “So the positives? I can double click a computer mouse like a champion, play the tambourine, and shake an unopened bottle of juice like nobody’s business.” The trainers stood up. Everyone burst into laughter right after the “mouse” comment and nobody actually heard the other two positives. Later, people had to ask me the other two since they did not hear them. I felt really proud of myself after that. It truly was a life changing moment for me.

I was thinking about what I wanted to share in my blog today. The three positives and a negative popped up in my head. I am not feeling well today and I woke up with a swollen eye (not sure why) but it’s a beautiful day, I opened windows, and my boys are laughing and having fun. The positives changed my outlook on what could have been a “Woe is me” day.

Why three positives? Why not just one positive to out weigh a negative? I think sometimes negatives can carry a lot of weight. We get bogged down in the negative because that is what seems to stand out the most. Negatives have a tendency to wipe out the positives. I think it takes at least three positives to make one think, “I guess I don’t have it that bad after all.” Here’s an example – financial trouble, more specifically, you have a large medical bill and currently can’t afford to pay it. That can be very worrisome. Let’s say you counter financial trouble with “well, at least I have my beautiful children”. That helps a little but that financial trouble is still weighing on you. So let’s add a second, “well, at least I have my beautiful children and we can play outside for free in this beautiful weather.” Not bad but you still feel kind of half-hearted about the positives outweighing the negatives. Let’s add just one more, “I have my beautiful children, we can play outside for free in this beautiful weather, and it’s the weekend so I can relax and enjoy!” I think we just kicked the negative’s ass right there.

My point is, your outlook is a choice. You can choose to feel sorry for yourself and dwell on the negatives but, if you open your eyes, you might find that things aren’t as bad as you think they are. It doesn’t mean you solve all of your problems or ignore them, it simply means you live in the moment. Come up with a plan to live with or fix the negatives but they don’t have to consume your entire life. The positives are like ninjas, lurking in the shadows, but if you summon them, they will assassinate the negative (or at least maim it).

Below are my positives for today – what are yours?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to Jay

At midnight tonight, it will be thirty-three years since the world set into motion the greatest blessing that was ever to come my way.  My husband, Jay, was born. 

We met when we were twenty years old and were married within nine months.  Most people did not think we stood a chance at lasting but we’re working on year thirteen now and could not be happier.  Just less than two years later we welcomed our first son.  We now have three beautiful, healthy boys.  Jay chose to become a stay at home dad when my career took an upswing.  He left a job he had held for many years at a well known company to do what was right for his family.  Since then he has also built the beginnings of a great business doing what he loves, selling football cards and memorabilia.  Our boys have also grown to love football to be more like Daddy.  By his actions alone, he teaches them every day to follow their dreams.

Life has not always been easy for us despite how happy we are.  Along the way we lost two pregnancies and were devastated by each loss.  Despite his own grief, Jay was my rock and helped me through it.  We have weathered any storm together and have grown stronger as a result.  We have also laughed, loved, and lived more than I thought was possible.

When our third son was born, I had some complications that resulted in an emergency c-section.  I was terrified and worried about my baby boy but Jay was, once again, my rock.  Our baby came out healthy but my body suffered.  I quickly began losing blood and Jay stayed by my side in the operating room until I drifted into unconsciousness.  I woke up five hours later to learn that it was a miracle I made it out of the operating room alive.  Thanks to a very skilled doctor, an emergency hysterectomy, and a blood transfusion to replace almost five pints of blood, I made it through.  While physically, the night was roughest on me.  I believe my Jay had a more difficult night.  He was ushered into an adjoining room and handed our newborn baby boy.  They did not have time to take our son to the nursery as is usually done after birth.  My husband sat in that room, alone with his newborn, for hours.  Occasionally a nurse would rush in to give him an update.  He sat there frightened that he would be raising our three boys alone.  For all that my body went through that night, Jay had the tougher time.    He still does not like to talk about it much and that was almost five years ago.  He never forgets a chance to tell me he appreciates and loves me.  I’m so thankful to still be here and share my life with him.

Since then my body has not completely recovered and I have developed several chronic illnesses.  Our life is not exactly what I thought it would be due to my illnesses but Jay does not complain.  We have learned to appreciate the simple things and have made adjustments when needed.  He is still my rock and I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him.  He is so unselfish when it comes to me.  If I could return just half of the love and support he has given to me over the years, I would feel like I could give him the world.

So, to the kindest, warmest, funniest, smartest, and most endearing man I’ve ever known, I say Happy Birthday.  I love you with all of my heart.  My world is a brighter place because of you.  Happy Birthday, Jay!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom’s birthday.  I wanted to write a blog post entirely devoted to her.  I can’t express how wonderful my mom is and how much I love her but I’m going to try anyway. 

I thought about writing about the things that my mom did while I was growing up because she was a wonderful mom.  It just did not seem to be enough.   Then I thought about writing about what an excellent example of marriage she and my dad set for me.  That did not seem to be enough either.  My mom is the epitome of what a wife and mother should be.  I could write a book about these things but that is not enough either.  She is so much more.

My mom is loving.  One of the most loving people I have ever known in my life.  She loves her husband, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, relatives, and friends fiercely.  Her heart bleeds when their hearts bleed and her heart soars when good things come to those she loves.

My mom is generous.  She is quick to help others and I do not know where I would be without her.  I want to be more generous, like her.

My mom is compassionate, sympathetic, and empathetic.  I think my mom feels more than most people.  I don’t mean that in a neurotic or emotional way.  I think she genuinely feels others’ pain, happiness, sadness, and excitement the way they do.  It’s amazing to see how much she feels.  The world needs more of that.

My mom is a child of God.  I’ve watched her grow in her Christianity over the years and it’s inspiring.  She is not judgmental and does not preach.  She merely lives her life loving the Lord and it shows.  She’s the Christian example I want to be.

My mom is humble and modest.  Sometimes maybe too much so because I don’t think she realizes what amazing gifts she possesses.

My mom is smart and very well read.  I wish I could build her a library for her vast book collection. 

My mom is passionate.  She doesn’t think she is creative but I’ve seen otherwise in the beautiful quilts she makes and in the amazing foods she prepares.  I’ve learned more about wine from her than anywhere else and have come to really appreciate it.  She can also talk sports with the best of them and my husband has been impressed with that from day one.

My mom is one of my best friends.  Growing up we did not always see eye to eye but becoming an adult with my own family, I have learned to appreciate her in ways I never realized I would.  She is my rock.  When life has thrown me curve balls (and there have been quite a few), she has helped me through it and loved me fiercely.

So on your 60th birthday, Mom, I want you to know how much I love you.  You deserve to be celebrated every day of your life.