Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom’s birthday.  I wanted to write a blog post entirely devoted to her.  I can’t express how wonderful my mom is and how much I love her but I’m going to try anyway. 

I thought about writing about the things that my mom did while I was growing up because she was a wonderful mom.  It just did not seem to be enough.   Then I thought about writing about what an excellent example of marriage she and my dad set for me.  That did not seem to be enough either.  My mom is the epitome of what a wife and mother should be.  I could write a book about these things but that is not enough either.  She is so much more.

My mom is loving.  One of the most loving people I have ever known in my life.  She loves her husband, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, relatives, and friends fiercely.  Her heart bleeds when their hearts bleed and her heart soars when good things come to those she loves.

My mom is generous.  She is quick to help others and I do not know where I would be without her.  I want to be more generous, like her.

My mom is compassionate, sympathetic, and empathetic.  I think my mom feels more than most people.  I don’t mean that in a neurotic or emotional way.  I think she genuinely feels others’ pain, happiness, sadness, and excitement the way they do.  It’s amazing to see how much she feels.  The world needs more of that.

My mom is a child of God.  I’ve watched her grow in her Christianity over the years and it’s inspiring.  She is not judgmental and does not preach.  She merely lives her life loving the Lord and it shows.  She’s the Christian example I want to be.

My mom is humble and modest.  Sometimes maybe too much so because I don’t think she realizes what amazing gifts she possesses.

My mom is smart and very well read.  I wish I could build her a library for her vast book collection. 

My mom is passionate.  She doesn’t think she is creative but I’ve seen otherwise in the beautiful quilts she makes and in the amazing foods she prepares.  I’ve learned more about wine from her than anywhere else and have come to really appreciate it.  She can also talk sports with the best of them and my husband has been impressed with that from day one.

My mom is one of my best friends.  Growing up we did not always see eye to eye but becoming an adult with my own family, I have learned to appreciate her in ways I never realized I would.  She is my rock.  When life has thrown me curve balls (and there have been quite a few), she has helped me through it and loved me fiercely.

So on your 60th birthday, Mom, I want you to know how much I love you.  You deserve to be celebrated every day of your life.