Sunday, September 19, 2010

Unfocused Creativity Take 1

What do I blog about?  My body is figuratively bursting with unfocused creativity (it may turn literal at some point).  I will focus on not having a focus.  Maybe along the way, I will find my focus in the art world.  I have been wanting to join the blog world for quite a while, with a couple of half-hearted attempts.  I was lamenting to my husband "What will I talk about?  What do people want to hear from me?"  He said "You should talk about ridiculous stuff because you are really good at that."  That man is a sweet talker.  He has a point though so I think I will just write about what ever is in my head.

I love robots.  Let me clarify.  I love VERY primitive robots.  I love to draw and wire sculpt VERY primitive robots.  If I were to lie down on a therapist's couch to search for the root of my robot obsession, I'm going to guess it started when I was around the age of 9.  While other little girls were dressing up like princesses, ladybugs, etc, I decided to be a robot.  My dad helped me with my costume.  It was very high tech for its time.  It's normal for a 9 year old girl to dress up like a robot, right?

I was thrilled with the results.  I had some sweet robot moves and I was all set to 000011100011000  (that's robot for "get me some candy").  In my head, I had this aura of awesomeness around me and everyone was going to be so jealous that they didn't think of dressing up like a robot.

My school had a Halloween parade so, not only would I get to go trick or treating in this costume, but I would get to parade around the block in broad daylight.  There was just one problem.  I was an extremely shy child and attention was something I avoided.  My creative (i.e. weird) mind sometimes forgot about this fact.  I was so excited to create this costume that I forgot about the attention being the only robot would bring.  Suddenly the cute little girls wearing princess costumes didn't seem so lame to me.  While I don't have any photos of the parade (I may or may not have tried to hide from cameras), I think it would have looked something like this...
God love my Mom - she was proud of me no matter what!  I have to hand it to my Mom and Dad.  They never made me feel weird or like I should hide my creative side.  They loved me and my weirdness no matter what. 

I'm blogged out for now so I'll catch y'all on the flip side.  Here's one more robot drawing for you though.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. You are trying to get into this crazy blog world and I am trying to get out. It is so addicting. I found I was spending more time blogging than I was working in my shops and that had to end. Now I blog when I feel like it rather than daily and it's working much better. Love your "look" and have fun Sara!
